Amid the brightly colored buildings contrasted with pale Scandinavian stone and the constant buzz of activity created by countless locals biking along cobbled streets, Denmark’s charming capital, Copenhagen, gives off an easygoing vibe of clean living and effortless cool.
So it can feel somewhat jarring when TM Forum CEO Nik Willetts opened the global group’s annual event, DTW (which stands for Digital Transformation World), in the metropolis by declaring it a ‘code red moment’ and a ‘call to arms’ for telecoms. In pleading for greater urgency for those in the telecom industry to evolve and embrace the digital transformation opportunities before them, Willetts made it clear in his opening remarks that this year’s theme of DTW23 - Ignite was more than a catchy slogan.
The Evergent team was proud to be onsite and spread out everywhere among the thousands in attendance at the annual show.
We took that call to action to heart in our two-track efforts to not only connect with attendees on how our portfolio of customer management and monetization solutions can help get them over the digital transformation hump, but to showcase our team’s involvement in the collaborative Billing Hub Catalyst project designed to make life easier for partners and Communications Service Providers (CSPs).

Telecom Transformation
The atmosphere of urgency and action for the telecom industry was not shied away from in reported follow-up remarks by Andy Tiller, EVP of Products and Services at TM Forum, the global industry association of more than 800 member companies including Evergent. “We kicked off DTW23 - Ignite by underlining the urgency of the situation facing CSPs,” he said. “We believe our industry has three years to get fit for growth - to simplify, modernize and automate our networks and businesses. This requires monumental transformation and we’ve seen dozens of CSPs share the progress they’ve made, and are making this week.”
It was a fantastic forum for that message, with a reported 20% percent bump in attendance of nearly 4,000, compared to last year’s event. Given the broad spectrum of companies onsite at the Bella Center, it makes sense that the conference track topics featured techco DNA, cloud native software, future networks, AI at scale, platforms and partners with more practical demonstrations and small discussions in play.
Seamless CSP - Partner Billing Integration
And, speaking of platforms & partners and practical demonstrations…
After many months of industrious effort and collaboration with our partnering organizations including Etisalat, i2i Systems, Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Telecom Egypt, Verizon and Wavelo, the Evergent team was proud to stand on the DTW stage to showcase our TM Forum Catalyst efforts for smooth billing consolidation between CSPs and partners.

Our Billing Hub Catalyst project’s goals include the ability for CSPs to expand and innovate partner offerings, increased customer ARPU and an elevated overall experience. We’re doing this by leveraging TM Forum open APIs including TMF678 and TMF688 and are excited to continue this venture.

For those who didn’t get to witness our Billing Hub demonstration in person, you can learn more about our efforts and follow our progress as our Catalyst journey continues.
And for those who didn’t have the opportunity to meet us at DTW23 - Ignite, there’ll be more opportunities - even this week!
You’ll find our team at Asia’s most important event for media, telecom and entertainment industries, APOS 2023, in Bali from September 26-28. If you’re attending APOS 2023, it’s not too late to book time with us.
As mentioned up at the top, we’re ready to help you achieve your own evolution.

Take a moment to contact our team to explore how our product portfolio, including the Evergent Monetization Platform and AI-backed Evergent Captivate Product Suite, can help power your next big move.