Our Commitment to
Sustainable Practices

Our Global Impact Begins Here

At Evergent, we prioritize sustainability across our global operations, integrating sustainable environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into our core practices.

Dedicated to a more responsible future

We track and aim to reduce our carbon footprint, including emissions from corporate travel and our global offices. We favor partners and suppliers who are committed to sustainable resource use.

Our ESG Code of Conduct Policy

Evergent joins the DPP Commitment to Sustainability program

Empowering a difference within the workplace

We at Evergent promote fair hiring practices, and our leadership team displays significant gender and ethnic diversity. Evergent promotes gender and ethnic diversity highlighted by an executive management team with females comprising over 40% of upper management, and ethnically diverse individuals comprising over 75% of upper management.

Evergent prides itself on providing significant contributions to impactful charities that support the local communities where we operate.

Evergent is committed to the health and well-being of its employees and their families

High standards across the board

We are committed to high ethical standards. We provide regular training and seminars to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, including anti-corruption laws and labor laws, and we support basic international human rights.

Evergent is owned, controlled, and managed by ethnic minorities.

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We strive to positively impact half the planet as we help our customers grow their direct-to-consumer services. We recognize that with the potential to touch consumers everywhere comes the unique opportunity and responsibility to employ sustainable practices that help our customers on their own sustainability journeys. We push boundaries with our cutting-edge technology and services and will always strive to lead the industry with our sustainability initiatives.

Vijay Sajja

Evergent Founder & CEO

Vijay Sajja

Through these initiatives, we strive to lead by example in building a more responsible future.